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+90 507 961 90 80

Disaster ReliefLebanon

We Bind Up Wounds in Lebanon

Lebanon is a Middle East country with a surface area of 10.452 km2. More than 6 million people are living in the country and more than half of it is Muslims. The country has Mediterranean climate: winters are cold and rainy; summers are hot and arid. Due to being an ex-French-mandate, French and English are spoken besides Arabic and Armenian. Its independency was acknowledged on 1st January 1944.

After the Arab-Israeli war in 1967, so many Palestinians migrated to Lebanon. The Christians in the country started to be uncomfortable and armed up because of the increasing Muslim population. These incidents caused an internal disturbance, starting from 1975 to the beginning of 1990s. After the frictions that happened with Israel and Syria, the internal state of the country is still not recovered completely.

The main sources of living are agriculture, industry, construction, commerce, tourism, banking business, hotel management, media, consultancy and engineering. Especially Beirut has the most important trading shore of Middle East and East Mediterranean Sea. Because of the high-quality manpower of the country, there isn’t any problem about international trade.

The Muslims in Lebanon

One of the most important internal matters is refugees. Palestinians are banned from working in72 areas and most of them must live in camps to where the government never bring service. Even the security of the camps is provided by the refugees living there, and the refugees fight with each other, as well. Although the exact number is unknown, it is assumed that more than 500 thousand Palestinians are living in the country. Also, many Syrian refugees migrated to Lebanon after the civil war that was caused by the Arab Spring. According to the records, there are more than 1 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon. When we look at these numbers, we can say that 25% of the population of Lebanon is refugees. Since so many Sunni Muslims are living in Lebanon, Christians and the Shi’a are being uncomfortable about this, thus the situation threatens the peace environment.

Big Disaster in Lebanon: Fuel Tanker Exploded

Lebanon has been dealing with fuel crisis for quite a while. After Lebanon Central Bank stopped fuel subvention, fuel prices started increasing rapidly. People waiting outside of the fuel stations caused long queues. Furthermore, because of the fuel shortage, when a power cut occurs the generators in the hospital cannot work and this threatens the lives of the dialysis patients and the ones using respirators. Moreover, a fuel tanker exploded in Akkar District. 28 people lost their lives and 80 people were injured. We, IHCRO, couldn’t remain unresponsive and started an urgent help appeal. We delivered help to the injured and the families. May Allah grant a swift recovery to all the injured and may Allah bless everyone who passed away. May Allah grant patience to the ones who lost their loved ones.

IraqOrphan Projects

Iraqi Orphans Received Their Trust

Our work reveals how sensitive we are about orphans. We spend a large part of our resources to find solutions to the problems of our orphan brothers and sisters. We have never considered the work done on this path sufficient, and we never will. Because we consider our orphans as our own family. Just as we take care of our own children and siblings, as we worry about their problems and dote on them, we share the same sensitivity for our orphan brothers and sisters who are miles away from us and try to live accordingly. Thankfully we are not alone on this path. Our donors, who agree with us and do not hesitate to spend their resources for their orphan brothers and sisters, have stood by us from the very beginning.

Orphan Aid Reached Iraq

As we mentioned in our previous articles, unfortunately, Iraq is a country that comes first in terms of orphan population. The reason for this is, of course, the years of war. Unfortunately, despite being a very rich country in terms of underground resources, Iraq cannot benefit from these resources. It can even be said that these resources are a nuisance to the country. Rich oil resources make the imperialist states lick their lips. The imperialists, who cannot reach these resources in their own lands, are establishing dominance over the countries that they can bite down on and that have these resources with various tricks. As a result of this domination, what is left of the country is pain, grief, and poverty. This is what happened to Iraq as well. Unfortunately, the US occupation, which lasted for years, left hundreds of orphans behind.

IHCRO Besides Iraqi Orphans

In a bulletin we shared about the oppressed orphans of Iraq, we mentioned that a special aid will be given to these brothers and sisters. Apart from the orphan campaigns that we regularly deal with and carry out, this time we organized a special campaign for our Iraqi orphan brothers and sisters. As a part of this campaign, we provided financial assistance to 150 orphans. We delivered the aids to our brothers and sisters in a program where they could have fun and be happy. May Allah be pleased with everyone who contributed to this campaign that made our orphan brothers smile and relieved their troubles a little bit.

Foood AidSyria

200 Food Packs Distributed in Syrian Camps

The civil war and humanitarian crisis in Syria has left its 11th year behind. Hundreds of thousands of civilians lost their lives in the country, where war crimes such as chemical weapons, efforts to starve the people, blockade and torture were committed.

More than six million people had to leave their country 11 years ago, which was estimated to have an average population of twenty-two million. More than three and a half million of these immigrants took refuge in Turkey. But it is estimated that at least fourteen million civilians are currently in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria.

As International Human Care and Relief Organization, we distributed two hundred food packs in a camp in the region. Thanks to our distribution of food parcels, which are vital for people living in the camp and especially children, who cannot even meet their basic needs such as food, approximately one thousand families will have access to basic nutrients.

The 11-year humanitarian crisis continues and our organization continues to help the Syrian people as much as possible. Many families have benefited from our assistance and will continue to benefit from it.


Ibn Al-Jawzi Quran School Completed

While we continue our projects supporting Quran students and education in many countries, our project openings are being completed one by one. We opened our Ibn Al-Jawzi Quran school, which was completed last week and started its activities, in Gaza. Our Quran school, whose opening was attended by state officials, will serve our young people in the region. We started our Quran school campaign last Ramadan and today this beautiful charity of ours has started to serve. 

Our Quran students will meet their accommodation needs in addition to their education at our school. At the same time, our young people will be able to socialize in their spare time around our Quran school, which has social facilities. 

إِنَّا فَتَحْنَا لَكَ فَتْحًۭا مُّبِينًۭا لِّيَغْفِرَ لَكَ ٱللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنۢبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ وَيُتِمَّ نِعْمَتَهُۥ عَلَيْكَ وَيَهْدِيَكَ صِرَٰطًۭا مُّسْتَقِيمًۭا وَيَنصُرَكَ ٱللَّهُ نَصْرًا عَزِيزًا 

Indeed, We have granted you a clear triumph O Prophet so that Allah may forgive you for your past and future shortcomings, perfect His favour upon you, guide you along the Straight Path, and so that Allah will help you tremendously. (Al-Fath 1-3) 

We hope that this project, which we started with the good news given to us by these beautiful verses, will be beneficial. 

In Gaza, which has been under siege for many years, our youth continue their Quran education under difficult conditions, and it is the responsibility of each of us to support these youth. Allah bless those who contributed.

Disaster ReliefEast AfricaMadagascar

Affected by the Climate Crisis: Madagascar

Madagascar, an island country on the African continent, is in the Indian Ocean. Mozambique is the closest neighbor to Madagascar, which does not have a land neighbor due to being an island country, except for the small islets around it. Madagascar, which was mostly covered with forest areas while still untouched, started to lose its green color after it was discovered by humans. Currently, only 4% of the country consists of forest areas. Almost half of the country, which has a population of more than 12 million, consists of children and the elders. Half of the country’s population believes in their local religion, while only 7 percent of them are Muslims.

The Famine Brought by Global Warming

Global warming and related problems, which have begun to affect human life more and more each year, are showing their effects very severely in Madagascar. The central parts of Madagascar, which has lost its forest areas day by day, are struggling with drought. Madagascar, whose main livelihood is agriculture, also suffers from poverty and famine due to the existing drought. According to various reports, Madagascar has the unfortunate feature of being the first country to experience famine, not because of war but because of the climate crisis. We can understand the seriousness of the issue by looking at the fact that the local people try to survive by eating cactus leaves. The human body, which is weakened because it cannot get the necessary nutrients, becomes unable to resist many diseases. For this reason, various epidemics and chronic diseases threaten the Madagascar society, about half of which consists of children and the elderly.

A Call for Help Against the Climate Crisis

Due to this terrible situation in front of us, we, as IHCRO, also participated in the charity race. With the support of our donators, we are helping all the people in Madagascar and help the non-Muslim to convert to Islam alhamdulillah. In addition to the 2000 food packages we have distributed so far, we have also distributed the Holy Quran for the Muslim people, because they cannot find any copy of the Holy Quran in Madagascar. We have opened 8 water wells in Madagascar, as well. As we know that the amount of water some of us unfortunately waste is enough for a family to survive, InshaAllah we will continue to open water wells in Madagascar and make awareness-raising posts on our social media accounts.


Malawi House of Jannah Masjid Opened with the Participation of Our Team

Malawi is counted as one of the poorest countries in the world. Ranking 173rd among 187 countries in the poverty index, Malawi is struggling with drought, flood and hunger problems. Every day, women and children travel many kilometers to reach food and water. Eighty percent of the population live in rural areas and mostly depend on agriculture from lands that need rain.

In Malawi, where approximately 40% of the population is Muslim, the work of our team has been going on for about two years. In the region, especially water wells, orphan homes, masjids, food distribution, zakat and orphan sponsorship projects are carried out.

Last week, our projects with the participation of our Turkey team were inspected and our House of Jannah Masjid was inaugurated. With the opening of our mosque, which was held with the warm welcome and intense participation of the people of the region, the villages in the region will perform their prayers and receive their training in the Qur’an in this mosque.

IHCRO, International Human Care and Relief Organization, has built hundreds of masjids around the world and will continue to work on the masjid. You can contact us for our charity projects and start our work according to your budget and location priority.


A Country in Danger of Drought: Kenya

Kenya, whose capital is Nairobi, is a country located in the east of the African continent. Bordering with other African countries such as Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda and South Sudan, Kenya also has coasts that open to the Indian Ocean. In Kenya, which has a population of about 50 million, life expectancy is not very long due to bad health conditions. Therefore, the majority of the country’s population consists of children and youth. In Kenya, which is assumed to have a high workforce if we look at the population, although the soil is not very suitable for agriculture, more than half of the population is engaged in agriculture. Besides agriculture, animal husbandry is also an important source of livelihood for the people of Kenya.

Kenya Losing Their Hopes

After successive floods and locust invasions, Kenya is now in danger of drought. The food crisis and various diseases that develop due to drought are increasing day by day. According to the announced data, the number of people in need of urgent food and water assistance has reached 2.1 million. More than 500 thousand children and approximately 100 thousand pregnant or breastfeeding women are among those in need of urgent assistance. After the recent developments, the drought, which was effective especially in the north of the country, also mobilized the authorities. Authorities declared a national disaster in more than 20 administrative districts. Drought alert was issued in 12 regions.

IHCRO in Mobilization of Kenya

As IHCRO, we acted very quickly against the crisis in Kenya. As a matter of fact, we are aware of how important even every minute is in such a situation. Due to the urgency of the issue, we have distributed food packs and clean water to the region primarily to meet the immediate needs of the people in the region. InshaAllah we will continue our efforts to ensure the stability of the region, after securing human life as a priority. Kenyan people need fast access to food support and clean water in order to see the future and bring their hopes to life. May Allah be pleased with all our donors who participated in the appeal we started for this reason.

East AfricaFoood AidSomalia

We Distributed 300 Food Packs in Somalia

We distributed three hundred food packs with your support in Somalia, where we started the emergency aid campaign last week. Our packs will support more than one thousand five hundred families.

As we know, Somalia is facing one of the worst droughts ever. Drought makes it difficult to access both water resources and basic foodstuffs. Many people, especially children, are affected by this situation and it causes child deaths.

We do our best to help and support people in need, which is one of the main goals of our organization, when they are most needed, and we work to ensure that the people of the region have access to the most needed food and water. At the same time, we continue to dig our water wells in the region.

We think that it is the duty of each of us to remember that people in many countries of the world are in need of a drop of water and a piece of bread that most of us do not need, and to support them, and we are working hard to deliver basic foodstuffs and water resources to people in need.

As IHCRO, we continue our essential projects such as water wells, food distribution, orphan sponsorships in many countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Niger, Somalia, Bangladesh, Malawi, Haiti, Syria and we expect your support.

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is Waiting Help

The Republic of Sierra Leone, a country located in West Africa, got its name from its characteristics. Due to the abundance of lions in the country, the Portuguese gave this name, which means mountains with lions. With a surface area of 71.740 square kilometers, Sierra Leone is home to more than 6 million people. Founded by freed African slaves, the country was liberated from being a colonial country in 1961. However, like many colonial countries, it could not achieve political stability after gaining its independence, and lost power day by day amid civil wars. Sierra Leone, which is very rich in diamond mines, has unfortunately been condemned to poverty by the attempts of the colonialists.

Unexpected Explosion

An unexpected and painful event occurred in Sierra Leone recently. In Freetown, the capital of the country, a tanker carrying oil and a truck collided with each other in traffic. Then, unfortunately, the oil tanker caused a big explosion. The oil spilled from the overturned tanker before the explosion caused the flame to spread with the explosion. These spreading flames left the environment and unfortunately the people in flames. Authorities also report that more than 90 people were killed and 100 injured in the explosion.

IHCRO is in Sierra Leone!

After this deplorable event, we consider it our duty to share the pain of our Muslim brothers. We cannot afford to bring back the lost souls, but we can do what is necessary to treat our wounded brothers and sisters. As IHCRO, we started our campaign in order to meet the hospital expenses and post-treatment needs in the tragic event where about 100 injured. I hope the donations we collect will heal the wounds of our brothers from Sierra Leone. We should not forget that Allah tests us in various ways. The calamities that befall us are examples of these tests. Let’s make the test of our brothers easier together.

CameroonMedical Assistance

Malaria Clinic for Cameroon

The first people to talk about malaria, history of which goes back to 300 BC, are the Ancient Egyptians. It is known by everyone today that malaria, which occurs in swampy areas and is said to cause high fever, is a disease carried by mosquitoes and transmitted by their bites. The disease, which is common in certain regions of the world, is more common between latitudes of 45 degrees north and 40 degrees south. It is also known as the disease of tropical and subtropical regions. It is an acute febrile illness with an average incubation period of 7 days. Although the symptoms are seen at the earliest 7 days (usually within 7-30 days) after going to the malaria-endemic area, they can also be seen a few months (rarely up to a year) after leaving the malaria-endemic area. Therefore, febrile illness within the first week following a possible mosquito bite is most likely not malaria.

Africa’s Troublemaker

As we mentioned, malaria, which is frequently seen in tropical regions, is unfortunately a disease that Africa cannot get rid of. The countries with the most malaria in the world are Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, India, Cameroon, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. As can be noticed, the majority of these countries are African countries. Malaria is the cause of death for 10 out of every 100 children who die in Africa. According to the World Health Organization, 286,000 Africans died of malaria in 2019. More deadly than Covid-19 in Africa, 94% of the deaths caused by malaria worldwide occurred within the borders of Africa.

IHCRO is in Cameroon!

We stand by our African brothers and sisters in their trials with malaria. There is no doubt that both death and life are from Allah. At the same time, the lives we have are entrusted to us by Allah. It is our duty to protect this trust. For this reason, everyone should receive the necessary treatment against diseases in order to protect the trust and should not persecute himself. However, unfortunately, as in the case of our brothers and sisters in Cameroon, many people who lack the means to protect their trust continue their lives in this way. Here, too, another duty arises for Muslims who have the opportunity: to help their poor brothers and sisters. We, as IHCRO, are trying to fulfill this task with the malaria clinic we opened in Cameroon. May Allah bless everyone who supported this work.