Niger is a country in the African region where the majority of its territory consists of the desert. Niger is the poorest country in the world according to official data.
The total population is approximately 20 million and 48% of the population consists of children between the ages of 0-14. Due to their geographical and economic conditions, people in Niger live without many basic living standards in terms of malnutrition, health, education, and clean water access.
Our project to build an orphan village called Future Leaders in Niger is still ongoing. However, many people in the region are having visual problems due to cataract disease. Our organization carries out cataract surgeries of people with health problems in this regard. We have projects such as zakat aid, food distribution, masjids, and water wells.
Who is it thatwouldloan Allah a goodlyloansoHemaymultiply it forhimmanytimesover? And it is Allah whowithholdsandgrantsabundance, andtoHim, youwill be returned”